Camtec Kids Specialist

Abacus Brands – Virtual Reality World Atlas

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Abacus Brands – Virtual Reality World Atlas


Prepare to travel the world and explore countries, continents, cities, food, culture, currency and more in this 108-page interactive world atlas, including a scratch map to track your travels! This deluxe activity set includes VR goggles, and is loaded with hundreds of immersive experiences in virtual reality!

SKU: 94345 Categories: , ,


Abacus Brands designs and manufactures dynamic educational science kits and VR toys that inspire, engage and affirm a child’s interaction with the world.

Their products are designed to layer the learning process, by combining book and editorial content, with tech and tangible play to deliver fundamental concepts and core values.

The purpose is to achieve not only a structured method of learning, but to also promote imaginative play, which is accomplished when activating both the left and the right side of the child’s brain.

Additional information

Weight 1.57 kg
Dimensions 25 × 11.5 × 32 cm


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