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University Games – Pub Trivia

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University Games – Pub Trivia


Pub Trivia, Australia’s favourite pastime, is now available as a tinned mini-game! Perfect for play on the go, or use the all-new questions as a booster pack to the original board game! Includes 500 quiz questions in five classic subject areas, 50 team answer sheets, 10 tally sheets and instructions. Everything you need for an evening of team-based Pub Trivia!
Age 12+

SKU: PT001TIN Categories: , ,


About University Games
University Games was founded by Bob Moog and Cris Lehman. Bob and Cris always loved playing games with their families and grew up thinking that fun and learning were a part of everyday life. As adults, they recognised a developing niche in social interaction and learning games for adults and children, and that is how University Games began on April 1, 1985. The company philosophy has always been to offer games that encourage social interaction and imagination through gameplay, with learning sprinkled in to season the game.


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