Camtec Kids Specialist

Smithsonian – 150X, 450X and 900X Microscope

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Smithsonian – 150X, 450X and 900X Microscope


‘The Smithsonian 150x, 4500x and 900x Microscope kit offers excellent performance at a low price. It is perfect for budding scientists.

View microscopic specimens at up to 900x actual size. Includes prepared and blank slides and laboratory accessories. Equipped with built-in light for direct illumination as well as reflecting mirror for natural illumination!

SKU: 22249 Categories: , ,


About NSI
NSI International Inc. is a global marketer and manufacturer of creative toy and consumer products including Magic Rocks™, Smithsonian® Science kits, and its own craft and activity brands. NSI’s products can be found in thousands of retail locations in more than 30 countries around the globe.


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